Urban Experience in Chicago. Hull-House and its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963


Schultz, Rima Lunin

Hull-House is the most famous American settlement. Located in a teeming immigrant neighborhood west of Chicago's downtown, its history has been read as a significant part of the great narrative of the immigrant experience in late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century America. [...] Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull-House and Its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963, uses historical documents, images, interpretive essays, biographies, and works of social science, urban geography, literature and memoir. The documents range from archival materials including correspondence, scrapbooks, institutional records, diaries, journals and unpublished manuscripts to printed materials not easily available: newspaper clippings, articles from magazines and journals, broadsides, pamphlets, posters, government reports. Images include photography, illustrations, architectural renderings, maps and art work. [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, US (IL) <http://www.uic.edu>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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